Position of Adverbs (क्रियाविशेषण का स्थान)
Adverbs that come after - क्रियाविशेषण जो बाद में आते हैं

If an object is present, adverbs of manner, adverbs of time and adverbs of place are generally placed after it otherwise they are placed after the verb.
यदि वाक्य में कारक मौजूद है, तो adverb of manner, adverb of time और adverb of place उसके बाद रखा जाता है अन्यथा उस adverb को क्रिया के बाद रखा जाता है.

He dances well.
She is sitting quietly.
I looked everywhere for my friends.
It is written on the wall.
Order of multiple adverbs - एक से अधिक क्रियाविशेषण का क्रम

When 2 or more adverbs are used in together in the after position, their normal order is... (1) Adverb of manner, (2) Adverb of place, and (3) Adverb of time.
जब बाद में वाले दो या अधीक क्रियाविशेषण का उपयोग किया जाना होता है तब उनक साधारण क्रम होता है.... (1) Adverb of manner, (2) Adverb of place, और (3) Adverb of time.

Ram will go there today evening. Three adverbs are used here.
He performed sincerely in the concert tonight. Three adverbs are used here, in the concert is used here as an adverb phrase.
Adverbs that come before - क्रियाविशेषण जो पहले आते हैं

The adverb of frequency is generally placed before the verb.
Adverb of frequency को साधारण तौर पर क्रिया के पहले रखा जाता है.

He rarely dances.
I usually sleep by nine.
She always comes to class on time.

If the verb is of one word then this adverb is placed between the subject and the verb.
यदि क्रिया एक शब्द का है तब यह adverb कर्ता और क्रिया के बीच में रखा जाता है.

If the verb comprises of more than word then this adverb is placed after then first word of the verb group.
यदि क्रिया एक से अधीक शब्द का हो तब इस adverb को क्रिया के पहले शब्द के बाद रखा जाता है.

He is rarely seen at the parties.
He was always going to school by bus.
She is never late for school.

When the adverb has to be stressed, it is placed even before the auxilliary verb.
जब क्रियाविशेषण पर जोर प्रकट करना होता है, उसे सहयोगी क्रिया के भी पहले रखा जाता है.
Adverb that modifies another adverb - क्रियाविशेषण जो किसी अन्य क्रियाविशेषण को संशोधित करता है

When an adverb is used to modify another adverb, then it is placed before that other adverb.
जब कोई क्रियाविशेषण किसी अन्य क्रियाविशेषण को संशोधित करता है, तब उसे उस दूसरे क्रियाविशेषण के पहले रखा जाता है.

The house is very nice.
Do not speak so fast.
General rule for the word - only - क्रियाविशेषण only के लिये साधारण नियम

The word only should be placed immediately before the word it modifies.
only को साधारण तौर उस शब्द के तुरंत पहले रखा जाता है जिसे वह संशोधित करता है.

I studied only at nights. He has worked only for three hours.
I only studied at nights. He has only worked for three hours.
General rule for the word - enough - क्रियाविशेषण enough के लिये साधारण नियम

The word enough should be placed immediately after the word it modifies.
enough को साधारण तौर उस शब्द के बाद रखा जाता है जिसे वह संशोधित करता है.

Work fast enough to complete the work on time.
Practise enough to master the new art.
Please make sure the box is big enough.

of Adverb