Another important role of the verb is to given an indication of the relation of an action in relation to the time-frame. It should be clear whether the action is current, occured in the past is expected to occur in the future.
Verb की एक और महत्वपूर्ण भुमिका कर्म का समय चक्र का सन्दर्भ की जानकारी देने की है. Verb के रूप से पता चलता है कि कर्म वर्तमान समय में चल रहा है, गुजरे समय में हो चुका है या आगे आनेवाले समय में होने वाला है.

Present Tense वर्तमान काल
The verb that indicates the current time is in the Present Tense.
Verb जो वर्तमान समय को सूचित करता है Present Tense होता है.
I walk to school.
I am walking to school now.
I have walked to school today.
I have been walking to school for so many years.
Past Tense पूर्व काल
The verb that points to an previous time-frame, time that has already passed is said to be in the Past Tense.
Verb जो गुजरे समय को सूचित करता है Past Tense होता है.
I walked to school.
I was walking to school when I met you.
I had walked to school that day.
I had been walking to school last year, now I go by car.
Future Tense भविष्य काल
Similarly, if the time-frame indicated by the verb is yet to come, ie is in the future, the verb is said to be in the Future Tense.
वह Verb जो भविष्य में आने वाले समय को सूचित करता है Future Tense होता है.
I shall walk to school.
I shall be walking to school tomorrow.
I shall have walked to school by the time you wake up.
I shall have been walking to school when you will be waiting for the bus.

Some more examples
कुछ और उदाहरण

Present Tense Past Tense Future Tense
I run. I ran. I shall run.
Sahib runs fast. Sahib ran fast. Sahib will run fast.
The children play football. The children played football. The children will play football.

Within each of the 3 tenses shown above are are 4 forms, i.e. 12 forms in all.
तीनों tenses के अंतर्गत चार-चार sub-class हैं. एक verb - "walk" के 12 tense के रूप होते हैं.

of Verb